Back in 1980's I was undecided what to do after my A Levels so i went fishing to kill time. It was good cos i got to eat a lot of fresh fish every day.

I couldn't stand the sea as it was unpredictable and didn't offer much future. I decided to try my chances as an officer of the law.....

Being a cop was not interesting work. A disciplined life is not my idea of living. I wanted to travel so i joined RBA in order to travel cheap and see what is beyond brunei. Here I am as a clerk in the supplies dept.

But all that travelling really drained my small salary really fast.I really need to get an upgrade in my earnings. So i joined the apprenticeship training program. Years later... here i am fixing these flying buses for a living with RBA. I've progressed on after RBA and never forgot how it all started...Thankz RBA..
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