Saturday, 13 June 2009

Bristol Harbour and The Down.....

Photo taken from the other side of the Harbour over-looking Clifton at night

Another fellow pengambar , a friend, a neighbour who just started photography.....

This was taken at 10pm in the evening...... yes 10pm... heheheehee


PainQler said...

The scenery was spectacular!!
A man in silhouette pics awesome!!
Most amazing, is the last pics captured..

The Bird, way up in the sky..
Caught in the mix of the sunset was an example of a very unique yet beautiful compose pics.

Loving ur creativity bro!

Snap9000 said...

It was cold and chilly, I'm running out of ideas. My brain was freezing cold, I have to come up with something. This was the last shot of the day, thanks to the Birdy

Thks for the comment

Ps: See you soon in Brunei