Monday, 21 December 2009

BM Football Tour 2009 Day 3.

The final of 3 consecutive saturdays. The winner of the tournament goes to Line Maintenance and the Management Team as the runners up. The team of the tournament goes to Base Maintenance Shift A with nil points and no wins or draw. On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to thank everyone participating in the 3 days tournament as well as supporter of the participating teams and players. Hope to see you again next year. Special thanks to the managers, VP and EVP of Engineering for coming and participating, giving supports to fellow colleagues and the price presentations.

Enjoy the pictures and click here to see the pictures from the Day 3. To view the pictures through my facebook account, feel free to tag along anyone you know.

To see the rest of the pictures through out the tournament follow the links below.

1. BM Football Tour Day 1.
2. BM Football Tour Day 2.
3. BM Football Tour Day 3.

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